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Reviews & Testimonials

Here's What Our Patients and Families Have to Say

We are proud of the care that our team provides on a daily basis. Often, we'll get responses from our patients and families about their experiences. We are grateful for this feedback. Here is just a bit about what they have to say. Read more in our online Testimonial Book here


Leave a Review

Want to leave feedback? We read and respond to every review that comes in. Email us to share your experience.


"I can’t adequately express how much it meant to me and my family to have such empathetic, kind, knowledgeable people guiding us through the last days of her journey."


"We appreciate how care was provided to our father in ways that showed sensitivity to his medical and palliative needs and helped him maintain dignity."

M. Family

"Every professional who walked in our door or spoke to us on the phone from Care Dimensions offered us their full respectful attention, and supported us through very difficult times with their deep, authentic caring."

T.  & M. A. K.

"Having Care Dimensions has been a blessing and I thank you for all you have done to help me cope. You are angels in disguise, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."


"The first call I made to Care Dimensions was, without argument, the best decision I ever made as my mom’s health care proxy. We were showered with blessings during our time with you."


"Your professionalism and overall concern for my mom’s comfort and my peace achieved that fine line of keeping her alert, but comfortable. It made the end of her life process more accepting and more peaceful for me."


"Being there with my grandmother for days through it all and saying goodbye was tough enough, but Care Dimensions made it seem so easy and peaceful."

Grateful Granddaughter

"I prayed every day that God would send guardian angels and earth angels to watch over my mom and keep her safe. He sent your team to fill that role."


Got something to say? Leave your own review by emailing us at [email protected].  

Read more in our online Testimonial Book here


Patient Stories

What does hospice care look like? How might we be able to help? Some of our patients are generous enough to share their stories with us.

Read Them Here

Anyone—patient, family, care provider—can make a referral. Fill in the form online or call us today.

Since 1978, Care Dimensions, formerly Hospice of the North Shore,  has provided comprehensive and compassionate care for individuals and families dealing with life-threatening illnesses. As the non-profit leader in advanced illness care, we offer services in over 100 communities in Massachusetts.

Copyright 2025 | Care Dimensions, 75 Sylvan Street, Suite B-102, Danvers, MA 01923 | 888-283-1722 | 978-774-7566

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