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Timing is Everything TV Show

Care Dimensions is proud to share our television show, Timing is Everything, which features interviews with experts on a variety of issues of living with a serious illness and end of life concerns. With her vast knowledge about hospice and palliative care, host Mary Crowe, LICSW, ACHP-SW, C.D.S., CDP, Director of Professional and Community Education, interviews guests about advance care planning, caregiving, grief, hospice and palliative care, and other topics. Watch the selected episodes below or visit CareDimensions.org/TimingIsEverything to see all episodes.

Featured Episodes

Healthcare Decisions Month

Do your loved ones know your health care wishes? Do you have any of that in writing somewhere? For Healthcare Decisions Month, Mary Crowe welcomes on Ellen DiPaola, President & CEO of Honoring Choices Massachusetts. They talk about the importance of talking about your wishes with family and friends.


Walk for Hospice

Each fall, the Walk for Hospice brings together hundreds of families for a morning of remembrance and celebration. It also serves as the primary fundraiser for many of the special programs at Care Dimensions. Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer Lyn Skarmeas joins Mary Crowe for this episode to talk about what the Walk is all about.


Coping with the Holidays

How do you get through a typically joyful time of year when you're feeling a sense of loss and sadness? In this episode, Mary Crowe welcomes Bob Hagopian back to the program. Bob is a Bereavement Coordinator at Care Dimensions, who offers advice for those who are experiencing grief this holiday season.


Meet the CEO: Dr. Stephanie Patel

Mary Crowe welcomes on Care Dimensions CEO, Dr. Stephanie Patel, who was hired to lead the organization earlier this year. Dr. Patel has been with Care Dimensions for 16 years and talks about her experience in hospice.


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Since 1978, Care Dimensions, formerly Hospice of the North Shore,  has provided comprehensive and compassionate care for individuals and families dealing with life-threatening illnesses. As the non-profit leader in advanced illness care, we offer services in over 100 communities in Massachusetts.

Copyright 2025 | Care Dimensions, 75 Sylvan Street, Suite B-102, Danvers, MA 01923 | 888-283-1722 | 978-774-7566

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