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Voices of Care Blog
Care Dimensions Chief Clinical Officer Patty Ramsden alongside volunteer Nancy Lemons and Ginny Williams.
Care Dimensions Chief Clinical Officer Patty Ramsden alongside volunteer Nancy Lemons and Ginny Williams.

San Francisco Painting Finds Its Home at Kaplan

Posted on September 14, 2023 by Shaun Neville

Walking the hallways of the two Care Dimensions hospice houses, visitors step among art on the walls, which were selected to bring about feelings of peace and calm. At the Kaplan Family Hospice House in Danvers, a new piece was added this year, courtesy of an anonymous donor.

The story starts in San Francisco, with artist Caren Wynne. Wynne paints the neighborhoods and architecture in her area, often sharing her work through Instagram. Her style has been described as quiet and pensive.

A particular painting, “Laussat Street”, caught the eye of a fan on social media, who asked for more details.

“There is a little hope in this one, not sad like the rest,” commented Wynne.

Intrigued by the comment, the fan purchased the painting, but not for themselves. They asked Williams Fine Art Dealers, located in Wenham, to help find a home for it. They said to find a place where people could “use a little hope.” Upon hearing the story, Wynne offered to donate her portion of the sale to wherever her art ended up.

Ginny Williams, who runs the art gallery, got input from her friend Nancy Lemons for an appropriate home for the painting. Lemons is a volunteer at Care Dimensions, and had always spoke fondly about the Kaplan House. She suggested it was the right place, and a common thread appeared to stitch the story into place.

Wynne’s husband had died of ALS. It turns out the purchaser of the painting also had a loved one who died of ALS. And at the time that the donation was being organized, Lemons noted that there was a patient at Kaplan with ALS. The coincidences seemed to send a message that this was the right path to take.

“The serendipities in this story of generosity are touching and hopeful,” said Willams. “They show us how connected we are – even when we don’t know the details.”

“Laussat Street” now hangs at the Kaplan House, offering a little hope to those who need it.

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Since 1978, Care Dimensions, formerly Hospice of the North Shore,  has provided comprehensive and compassionate care for individuals and families dealing with life-threatening illnesses. As the non-profit leader in advanced illness care, we offer services in over 100 communities in Massachusetts.

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